Monday 4 May 2015

Big Bubble!!

Ni kisah yg agak tertunda. Kira cm throwback la lbeh kurang. urmm. Kisah main big bubble kt Tasik Proton City. Pengalaman !st time main bnda lah tu. ahaha. Awesome!! Mula ny nk g pameran buku, pameran buku xde trus melalut. Org lain blik kpg cuti sem tp kami.... hahaha. Dok kolej je la sbb nk blik Sarawak jaoh kot.. Nasib baik la kwn bdak Selangor yg manis tu xblik awal. Leh bwak kite org jln2. Thanks Zak @ Zakiah @ Cakia. hahaha. Comel org ny. 

zakiah + evelyn + leslie + annis 

A Day In Cameron Highlands

02 Mei 2015
Satu perjalanan telah kami lalui dari Tanjong Malim, Perak ke Cameron Highlands, Pahang. What a awesome journey!!! Tengok 5 buah Ferrari konvoi kt highway. Dengan sesat ny lg. hahaha. Kite org p an 3 buah kereta, tp alih2 salah satu krta trpisah. Kami terperangkap dlm jammed 3 jam dlm perjalanan nk berkumpul balik. haha. tu awesome. Kesian yg sebuah krta g tggu kite org. Alhamdulillah, pastu jmpe. Trus p bgamba. Continue perjalanan ke ladang teh. Yg sedeh ny xsempat p ladang strawberry n kebun bunga. Pa2 pn trip hari tu tetap awesome. Kite org bersatu mcm family daa. That what friends for. Happening smpai pening an gelagat kite org. Cameron mmg awesome!! AvengeAOU pn awesome!! Yeayhh!! Next destination in shaa Allah Pulau Pamgkor.. Love u all kwn2!! 

anum + aiman (pakwe dye), asita, mar (kwn baru kite org), katy (yg cantik), evelyn, leslie, mia, arman, haikal, fandi, kelvin, riuh, alex + kakak ipar, ain, ija..

 thanks semua utk trip yg sangat awesome!!!

Friday 17 April 2015

Jasa Seorang Pendidik

Satu-satunya gambar bersama arwah. Betapa terkejutnya kami mendengar berita tentang kepergianmu wahai insan yang telah berbakti kepada kami selama satu semester. Walaupun cuma satu semester, tapi ilmu yang beliau curahkan memang tak ternilai banyaknya. Pesanan dan nasihat arwah masih melekat utuh di benak fikiran ni. "Saya anggap kamu macam kawan-kawan dan anak-anak saya. Kamu boleh kongsi apa-apa saja dengan saya. Kalau jumpa diluar anggap saya macam kawan kamu." Tapi kita tidak ditakdirkan untuk berjumpa lagi prof. Semoga Allah SWT menempatkan arwah bersama orang-orang yang beriman. Pergimu membawa rasa hiba dalam diri kami, namun Allah lebih menyayangimu. Terima kasih, prof. Ilmu ang telah beliau curahkan in shaa Allah akan memberi manfaat kepada kami sepanjang hidup ini. 17 April 2015, pergimu tak kan kembali. Al-Fatihah. Abadi dalam kenangan, Prof. Taib Ariffin.

Sunday 4 January 2015


I can hold my breath
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days
If that's what you want
Be your number one

I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part
If that's what you ask
Give you all I am

I can do it
I can do it
I can do it

But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human

I can turn it on
Be a good machine
I can hold the weight of worlds
If that's what you need
Be your everything

I can do it
I can do it
I'll get through it

But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human

I'm only human
I'm only human
Just a little human

I can take so much
'Til I've had enough

'Cause I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human

Tuesday 23 December 2014


Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from my memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

I will be chasing your starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold you in my arms

My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to re-ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive

I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away, never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes & revelations
And our hopes and expectations
Black holes & revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold you in my arms

Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away, never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes & revelations, yeah
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes & revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold

PERAK Amanjaya


Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Uncry these tears
I cried so many nights
Unbreak my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word goodbye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Uncry these tears
I cried so many nights
Unbreak my heart
My heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked outta my life
Uncry these tears
I cried so many, many nights
Oh unbreak my

Unbreak my heart, oh baby
Come back and say you love me
Unbreak my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on

Say that you love
Say that you love
Tell me you love
Unbreak my heart
(Can't go on)
Say that you love
Say that you love
Tell me you love
Unbreak my
Say that you love
Say that you love
Tell me you love
Unbreak my
Say that you love
Say that you love
Tell me